Monday, January 24, 2011

Going Digital?

I am not officially going digital, but I have been playing around with the idea. I am a PAGE MAKER girl form my High School yearbook days- so it is in my roots. I would like to be able to make blog banners and photo cards... so we will see. Plus, there are so many freebies! The best freebies is the Photoshop Elements 9 free 30 day trial down load coupled with the free digital scrap class on Two Peas! Check them out! That is what I have been up to! You?


Erin K said...

I've been working on my digital book but the stress of trying to finish by Jan 30 (it has to be uploaded by then to get the free book) is getting to me. I still like the feel of handling all the materials the best. Kind of like with photography. I still miss the smell of the chemicals and the whole process. Photoshop just isn't the same.

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